


From upper left, clockwise: James Angelos, Samantha Knight, Ruthie Mulvaney and Calyssa 这些是2023年的梅西学者. 梅西奖是授予的最高学术荣誉 给365彩票在线过滤的学生.

Although they come from different parts of the state, the four Macey scholars for 2023 have one thing in common – an exemplary dedication to learning, service and research 作为365彩票在线过滤的本科生. 他们都开始了他们的大学生涯 during the earth-shattering COVID pandemic, and have managed to navigate their way 追求卓越.

The four scholars are James Angelos from Roswell, Calyssa Huff from Albuquerque, Samantha 来自阿尔伯克基的奈特和来自盖洛普的露丝·马尔瓦尼.

The criteria for the Macey Scholars are exemplary accomplishments in the classroom 并开展实验室研究、机构服务等活动. 候选人必须 至少得3分.平均绩点4分,在365彩票在线过滤修过至少30个小时的课程. 梅西奖学金获得者的奖金是5000美元.

365彩票在线过滤 congratulates these young scientists for their accomplishments and 祝他们未来一切顺利.

James Angelos graduated with his bachelor’s in May 2023, and is now in the accelerated 化学工程专业硕士学位. 在理工大学期间,他一直在工作 在博士. Michaelann Tartis on the blast-induced traumatic brain injury team, where he developed a brain model that accurately resembles human tissue using polymers, 各种成像技术和增材制造. 安杰洛斯展示了他的 research on adding linear acrylamide chains to the gel matrix at Sandia National Labs, the Rio Grande Symposium on Advanced Materials, and at the American Institute of Chemical 工程师会议. 作为一名高年级学生,他一直是同龄人的导师和助教 一年级学生. 安杰洛斯也是Tau Beta Pi的成员,并提供了帮助 with trash clean-ups, food drives and the Science Olympiad held at 365彩票在线过滤.

关于詹姆斯博士. Pabritra Choudhury,化学工程副教授, 高度评价了他解决问题的能力. “詹姆斯有一种不间断工作的能力 并且在处理任何问题上都有值得注意的远见.” Dr. 科里·勒克莱尔 Dean of Engineering, said that not only does Angelos help the department above and beyond class and lab duties, but also “Jimmie is a standout in his senior project 作为模拟大师的团队…. 他的小组有一个有效的模拟,因为 他在这方面的努力.”

Calyssa Huff是生物学专业的大四学生. 哈夫一直追求严谨 course of study and plans to earn a master’s in Biology after graduation in May 2024. In Summer 2023, she was accepted into a research experience at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, working on a project in virology and will have several 展示她研究成果的机会. 赫夫博士是哈佛大学的本科生研究员. Daniel Jones’ geobiology lab group, focusing on geomicrobiology and microbes surviving 在极端条件下. 该小组与美国宇航局的同事一起进行了调查 cleaning procedures in the clean rooms at Johnson Space Center and their efficacy 处理来自太空探索的样本. 这些程序和结论适用于 other analysis that Huff is 做 on living organisms in samples from Valles Caldera 在新墨西哥州北部. 在COVID期间,她自愿参加了测试 网站. In her spare time, Huff has volunteered with Tech’s Clean-up Day, Science Olympiad 中学生的竞争,以及当地农贸市场的竞争. 她现在 treasurer for the local chapter of American Association for University Women.

关于Huff, Dr. 地球与环境科学助理教授琼斯说 that Huff has met the challenges presented while attending college during the pandemic, 这“说明了她的韧性”.琼斯说,“我印象非常深刻。 她的职业道德和可靠性. Calyssa在实验室里很热情,很有趣.” Dr. 托马斯基夫特,生物技术博士主任.D项目,说Calyssa有 “an unfailingly cheerful and upbeat attitude…(and) clearly takes joy in all that she’s 做.” 

Samantha (Lindholm) Knight from Albuquerque was homeschooled and graduated from high 新墨西哥中部社区学院的双学分学校. 骑士毕业 于2023年5月获得化学工程学士学位. 被聘为本科生 researcher, and then navigating COVID restrictions, Knight was able to participate 在数据收集和研究过程中. 这项工作使她第一次发表了作品 她被列为第一作者. 从那时起,奈特就开始介绍她 research at national conferences for chemical engineers in Boston and Chicago, and 录制了一段演讲,并寄给了韩国的一个会议. 她在AIChE工作 Institute of Chemical Engineers) student chapter president for NM Tech, and organized 活动、筹款和会议旅行. 骑士也在2023年被评为 Tech Engineering Student of the Year from the National Society of Professional Engineers. 

关于奈特博士. 工程学院院长科里·勒克莱尔(Corey Leclerc)说:“萨曼莎是 most well-rounded students I have seen at 365彩票在线过滤, (and) has left an impact 她的同学和系里.” Dr. 李永敏,助理教授 chemical engineering, said simply that “Samantha is the best student” because of her communication and research skills, and because of her leadership and service for others 在小组中. Dr. 李院长也表示:“她是成功的探索和领导 her own way to develop her research projects” and “always works in the frontline and gives great presentations” for both visitors on campus and at international conferences.

Knight is currently a year-round intern at Sandia National Labs and is working on 理工学院化学工程的研究生学位.

Ruthie Mulvaney will graduate in May 2024 from 365彩票在线过滤 with one of the hallmark transdisciplinary degrees available: major in biomedical sciences, with a chemistry 选项和生化工程专业. Mulvaney获得了有机食品优秀奖 去年获得系里化学奖,获4.0的绩点. 在她的职业生涯中 at Tech, Mulvaney has mentored younger STEM students and tutored in the OSL on campus. 她被雇用到Dr. Praveen Patidar的生物化学实验室,研究DNA损伤 and repair as well as immune system response and enzyme research for possible 癌症 治疗. Mulvaney将作为第一作者在学术杂志上发表她的发现 杂志. Working on an engineering project for medical eye-dropper headsets has enriched 她的观点和提高她的科学思维. 马尔瓦尼喜欢表演音乐, volunteers as a grader and judge in the Science Olympiad, and works as a teaching 普通化学实验室助理.

关于她,博士。. 生物系的卡琳·龚兹说,露丝“是天生的 在研究、教学和领导方面.” Dr. 帕蒂达称她是“一位有天赋的老师” 解释困难概念的才能. 他说,“露丝是最顶尖的1% students I have known” in his 14 years of training more than 30 students. ”露丝 has produced outstanding quality and quantity of research work” as an undergraduate 这比我们的许多研究生都要好.”

Mulvaney plans to pursue a doctoral degree in biochemistry studying DNA damage and repair pathways with an eye to the design of drugs that will treat many diseases including 癌症.